While many of us make new years resolutions, fall is always the time for me when I notice the accumulation of things. Like clockwork somewhere around October 1, I start nesting and thinking ahead to the holidays and suddenly everything seems to be Too Much.
And so I return again to thinking about using things up and have I made any progress. Is there magical swaths of space in my home?
Well, yes... and very much no. It's been a year of physical book buying. Part of that was the discovery of ThriftBooks, which meant the rapid acquisition of stacks of older books and the development of some seriously ambitious wish lists, none of which I have room for. Part of it has been knowing that a favorite yarn dyer is no longer purveying her craft and therefore working through the pre-owned sales of yarn in order to stash away as much as possible to hold me over for the next several decades. Neither were excellent reasons for More Things(tm) but they are certainly what's taking the most floor and wall space around me at present.
I have--finally--nearly worked through all of the hand lotion which kicked all of this off. Yes, category one is nearly empty. I just put the last of the Hand Cremes (of course it's a lemon one) into my bag for work, where the office desk lotion gave out early last week. For those keeping track along with me, it's taken four years to use all of it up. I don't think I realized it was going to be quite that long a time.
Ebooks and audiobooks also continue well apace in the Numbers Go Up areas. And I need to do a podcast edit and counts back through all the thing.
2025 looks like it will be a difficult year ahead, with a lot to manage that will be outside of my control. Using the things I already own might be something in the realm of things I can manage. Also heaven knows I would like to someday have shelf space.