Friday, January 3, 2025

Setting Up to Use Up Successfully

Because we're launching into a fresh calendar, I - like many of us- am trying to review the round of habits I currently have, identify things that I've already committed to or would like to complete this year, and doing a little strategic planning for myself to figure out how to set Me up for success. 

A few things that I've done so far

  • I have two small boxes in the hallway outside my office. One for books that I'm done with and which need to go either to Thriftbooks or a donation box. My goal is whenever it looks full-ish to run things through the TB page and see what they will give me credit for and anything else is off to the BetterWorldBooks box at the local public library.  No, none of these books will be moldy or things that I think should just go in the recycling.  The other box is for things that need to be donated -- clothing and "stuff."  I've already taken one large trash bag to a donation center by having this box in a path where I can just drop things.*  

  • I pulled out 12 skeins of sock yarn for 2025. Now, granted, I presently have at least three pair of socks underway in various project bags at the moment. But I'm often scrambling for the next skein and what was it I was going to use and oh is that something I need to save for another. Nope, here are the skeins and as the previous socks get finished, I will have bags and needles available. It's also a pile for "you've had a bad day and need a treat, cast on something from this bin to get some joy."  The bin also contains yarn for another half dozen Honey Cowls and a few other projects I'd like to do this year so all of it can be started whenever I like.

  • Go through the full to do list and see what is lingering that needs to go or what's duplicated. I have a running work to-do list that is a brain dump and unfortunately often means I repeat myself because I didn't scroll. Clearing that down will help. 

  • Review my habit tracking apps. Having a small reminder daily/weekly etc prompts me to do things that I want to do, including using things up like the good tea.  One of those was "write a blog post on one of your blogs" and so here I am. 

  • Reading just a chapter. I've been struggling with a lot of the Meaningful Books that I buy -- most of which I really do want to read but I fight with my brain on the idea of needing to read it in one shot or have it DONE instantly. I read fairly quickly but slowly is also a way to progress through things. I know, it's a shock. Anyway, I gave myself 15 minutes this afternoon and read a chapter. I am fairly certain this book isn't going to live up to the hype I saw when I checked it out from my work library but I will at least be better grounded in the terminology and then it leaves my house permanently.  Might start another book later. 

  • Wearing the new clothes. I tend to buy multiples of things when I find something that fits because yes I will wear it in five colors. There's a box of clothing that is brand new as a result. I got a few items out and put them into a drawer. I can wear them, it's okay to use up the clothes.  And if I put one on and decide no, this style doesn't actually work for me anymore, there's that hallway box and someone else can have a brand new top. 

Are you doing any plans for clearing? 

*I got the most recent reminder of using a dedicated box for donations from from -- she's definitely more minimalist than I ever aspire to be but is generally on the gentler, space serving you rather than hyping a moral failing if you own things. 

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